Geotagging Photos with Foursquare / Swarm Check-Ins

Your are on vacation, so take a lot of photos with your camera and mobile phone. You keep your friends and family up to speed on your whereabouts by checking in on Foursquare / Swarm.

Now you arrive home and want to organize the photos you took on your PC. If you like to geotag your photos and update the photo metadata geo locations here is a helpful tip.

You can use the foursquare location names of your check-in and add them to the location fields of the photos you took.

1. Export your Foursquare check-in history in kml format  – Visit Right mouse click on the kml feed link and select “Save As”. Save the file to your PC.

2. Load the kml file in Geosetter (  On the “Tracks” pane, click on the open track track files button, and load the track to GeoSetter. Your foursquare locations will appear as dots on the map.

3. Assign Position and/or Name to Photos – Load the photos you which to add the geographic information and click on the waypoints from the loaded locations. You can add the position information as well as the location name to the photo metadata.

If you then load the photos on applications such as Windows Photo Gallery or share the photos on sites (such as Flickr) which can read this metadata, the information will be shown.

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